Being As Vague as Possible

Near the end of Heinz Schirk’s film on the Wannsee Conference, Heydrich tells Eichmann to “be as clear as necessary and as vague as possible” in the execution of his duty. This statement is a formulation of the principle of the lie that breeds death and is directly opposed to education’s quest for the truth that sanctifies life. Where the affirmation of the truth of the sacred is concerned, one must be as clear as possible and only as vague as necessary.

–David Patterson, When Learned Men Murder, 24

An Evolving Government

The order of the unalienable Rights in the Declaration of Independence is significant: Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. Each element’s value surpasses any subsequent. Life is granted above Liberties granted. And Liberty is greater than rights which guarantee a pursuit of Happiness. So when, in the course of an evolving government, these rights begin to become redefined and reordered, so too must the government itself.


Feeding on the Bread of Life

God is born in Bethlehem (the house of bread), wrapped in swaddling clothes (He is fully human), and has been laid in a food trough, a sign that He has been offered up for consumption — and not just any consumption, and not even implying reverent consumption, but animalistic…beastly consumption.
 –svidgen, stackexchange comment
Although taken by some (including the above author) to be a literal “Eucharist,” John 6 clearly links this bread as a metaphor to God’s words (v. 58 linked to 63), which is consistent with Mt. 4:4 and Lk. 4:4 that “man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God” (it’s not “this do to literally eat me,” but rather “this do in remembrance of me”). John clearly presents his entire book by showing us that Jesus is the Word. Therefore, my very real reliance for life ought not to come from food only, but from truth. This is not something to be taken as a religious rite, but rather a mental and heart “object” to which we must cling and “feed” regularly–daily, hourly, or more! Do we really believe…

How to Change

1 Blessed is the man
     who does not walk in the counsel
          of the wicked
or stand in the way of sinners
     or sit in the seat of mockers.
2 But his delight is in the law of the
     and on his law he meditates day
          and night.
3 He is like a tree planted by
          streams of water,
     which yields its fruit in season
and whose leaf does not wither.
     Whatever he does prospers.

– Psalm 1:1-3

Three major movements to this passage are as follows:

  1. Remove participation
  2. Refocused participation
  3. Results

The verbs used within the first verse encompass all waking positions of mankind: walk, stand, sit. That’s a sermon by itself. In the second verse, the participation is constant as it encompasses day and night. If we overlay Jesus’ words in Matthew 7, we find that Jesus fulfilled the law, and so we can substitute “Jesus” for law: our delight must be in Jesus, and it is upon Jesus which we meditate day and night.

Verse three gives us a simile to show our plant-likeness. The roots of the tree by a stream drink in the nutrients provided in the flow. The part that hit me recently had to do with yielding fruit in season. As in–it doesn’t necessarily produce fruit immediately; at least not mature fruit. In Leviticus, the Israelites were to regard any fruit from overtaken lands as forbidden for some years before they were to partake:

When you enter the land and plant any kind of fruit tree, regard its fruit as forbidden. For three years you are to consider it forbidden; it must not be eaten. In the fourth year all its fruit will be holy, an offering of praise to the Lord. But in the fifth year you may eat its fruit. In this way your harvest will be increased. I am the Lord your God.

– Leviticus 19:23-25

Saul, turned Paul, spent 14 years “somewhere” between his conversion and ministry as an apostle. Jesus spent about 18 years from the last time we hear about him as a 12-year-old until his ministry around 30 years of age with the only description: Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man (Luke 2:52). David spent about 15 years between the time he was anointed to the time he became king. Joseph spent around 13 years in Egypt between the time he told his dream and was subsequently sold by his brothers to the time the opportunity came for the interpretation of Pharaoh’s dream. Moses is close to 40 years old when he tries saving the Israelites in his own strength. He spends another 40 years in the desert before God empowers him to lead Israel out of Egyptian slavery. Almost 20 years pass from the time Abraham is promised offspring to the time Isaac is miraculously born. There are about 24 years between the time Jacob steals Isaac’s blessing from Esau and when God blesses him and renames him Israel.

So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.

– Colossians 2:6-7

Broken Connection to Earth

…when Hercules had to do battle with him, Antaeus could be defeated only when his contact with his origin was broken. Then, of course, there is Oedipus, whose name means “lame foot,” indicating a problematic contact with the earth…in education our link with the origins of life is not only a contact with the sacred texts that lie at the origin of truth in life, but also with those human beings who have newly entered life, with children…for the learned men of Wannsee, children were primary targets for extermination…in the Midrash on Psalms we are told that at Sinai God asked “the sucklings and the embryos: ‘Will you be sureties for your fathers, so that if I give them the Torah they will live by it, but that if they do not, you will be forfeited because of them?’ They replied: ‘Yes’”…thus we see what, according to Jewish tradition, is at stake in our adherence to the sacred texts that underlie the highest in higher education. And we see what was lost in the miscarriage of education manifested at Wannsee.
–David Patterson

Pursuing the Tree of Knowledge vs. the Tree of Life

I am rooted in the Tree of Knowledge
I want to know my pleasures
I want to know my rights
I want to find myself
I want to know of evils in the world–and fixate–
I want to know myself as god
I balk at the Tree of Life
at Truth
at absolutes
at repenting
at renewing my mind
at submitting
at Christ himself
I’d rather know evil and die
than believe the Truth and Live

Oh my soul, AWAKE!

The Natural Order of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness


The order of the unalienable Rights in the Declaration of Independence is significant: Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. Each element’s value surpasses any subsequent. Life is granted above Liberties granted. And Liberty is greater than rights which guarantee a pursuit of Happiness. So when, in the course of an evolving government, these rights begin to become redefined and reordered, so too must the government itself.

The history of this era of government is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of a series of Tyrannies over this people. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world:
It has intentionally expanded and become more centrally powerful by the establishment of a preference to the right of the pursuit of Happiness over that of Liberty and, ultimately, Life:

by failing to grant an unalienable right to Life to people who are among the weakest and frailest in the Nation: preborn people

by allowing, promoting, and pursuing an unrecognized holocaust of people who have no voice to give speeches or lobby their government before they are stripped of their right to Life before they are born in order to promote the subservient right of “choice” (clearly falling under pursuit of happiness)

by failing to recognize that a person’s dependence on another does not strip them of their right to Life, since all mankind is dependent upon someone or something to live