Child Sacrifice Survivor

Cultures today, such as in Guyana, and in the past, such as are recorded in history, have practiced child sacrifice–the giving of a child’s life to appease a deity. Scripture records children being offered to Molech. Today, our god is the god of happiness. The insanity of our culture is that we laud life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, yet this order has no reality. Since when does a pursuit of happiness inherently strip others’ right to liberty and/or life? We offer our children to the god of happiness under the guise of “women’s rights” just as the propaganda videos of the early to mid 20th century operated under the guise of German rights. To subject a people group to a category that is less than human is ultimate hatred. So we pick on the weakest, frailest, most trusting members of our society–those without a voice. Their cries muffled in fluid. Well one cry has made it through:

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