We Zombies

The horror of it is that you are dead. Alive biologically, yes. Your heart pumps blood, the synapses of your brain fire, but you’re dead in every way that matters. Unlike zombies, you look physically normal. But just like zombies, you are dead while you live. Worse yet, you’re headed for a second death–beyond the destiny of your current deterioration.

Here we are–dragging our carcasses across the surface of this globe – seeking our own comfort and happiness, chasing money, self-promotion, the latest technology, self-fulfilling relationships, procreating, and starting the whole process over again. On and on, like zombies, we drag along to feed on creation in a twisted, destructive manner in order to derive our own ungodly momentary pleasure.

We rape the planet for our benefit, living well beyond our means. Whether our effects are understood or not, it doesn’t excuse our behavior. If I back over a person in a parking lot, does it really matter if I did it on purpose or by accident? Either way, someone is dead, and I’ll be on trial for manslaughter at least. Purposeful or ignorant negligence is still negligence. Negligence like rerouting rivers by building dams, causing landslides, destroying people’s homes, ecosystems, and the like. Negligence like overfishing at a rate of 2-3 plus times the world’s total sustainability, causing massive population depletion, ecosystem imbalance, etc. Negligence like transporting plants and animals to alien locations, causing extinction of native species. Negligence like spreading viruses between human groups, causing widespread sickness and death (Native American holocaust by germs). Negligence like coal mining which spikes pollution and carbon emissions to record levels, thereby destroying ecosystems and contaminating the atmosphere. Negligence like commercial accidents like the Exxon oil spill of ‘89 and, more recently, BP’s spill which has damaged wildlife far beyond our understanding. Negligence like driving cars to the tune of 12,000 pounds of carbon dioxide per year plus a host of other by-products which are harmful not only to humans, but the planet at large, let alone the fossil fuels mined and processed to supply the fuel for combustion. Negligence like agricultural poisons and mismanagement of animal by-products resulting in a host of known harmful waste products, not to mention the endless unresearched effects on the environment. These examples say nothing of the dramatic and growing effects of deforestation (stripping the earth’s ability to process carbon emissions and supply oxygen, other contributions to global warming/atmospheric deterioration, food distribution, poverty, child slavery, corruption, plastic islands (as high as 5+ million square miles total), trash productions, immunization tragedies, etc.

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