True or False: I Can’t Help It


30. List at least twenty specific biblical steps a person should take to overcome a life-dominating sin.

  1. Consider thoroughly the issue of your salvation
  2. Remember that God has promised to care for you and has broken Satan’s power through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ
  3. Confess all sinful thoughts to God and ask for His help in overcoming the sinful pattern
  4. Rejoice and give thanks in every situation, knowing that endurance in trials conforms you to the image of Christ
  5. Use the forgiveness of God as the springboard from which you forgive others
  6. Realize that your love for others demonstrates the love you have for God
  7. Focus your thoughts on glorifying and pleasing God and on being a blessing to others in all situations
  8. Say and sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs
  9. Think of ways to consider and encourage others
  10. Do not: speak about past accomplishments, sorrows, or defeats; sins of others, worries about the future, comparison to others, boastful promises, slander, gossip, argue, use pointless humor, speak foolishly, accuse, speak vengefully, etc., but rather edify others with God’s truth about His goodness, loving kindness, mercy, and grace
  11. Identify all danger signals (e.g., situations, places, times, and personal contacts that bring temptation) and take immediate steps to eliminate, flee, or resist temptation
  12. Fill all voids created by putting off old ways with a vigorous plan of living righteously, putting on the new ways
  13. Spend much time with other believers and wholeheartedly put on the full armor of God in order to stand firm against the devil
  14. Memorize Scripture verses and study Scripture passages specifically related to facing and dealing with the problem by taking advantage of the overcoming power that is yours in Christ Jesus
  15. Pray always with thanksgiving
  16. Seek reconciliation with those you have offended (go beyond confession)
  17. Correct deficiencies in your life that exist because of a lack of discipline or neglect
  18. If you need help, ask Christian friends to hold you accountable
  19. Ask God for help if you fail
  20. Review memorized Scripture and others
  21. Immediately seek God’s perspective again by returning to His Word, allowing the Spirit to convict you, shunning the evil, and reestablish a disciplined, Godly lifestyle again

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