Information Mutation

A mutation is a deviation. It’s not necessarily a bad thing when it comes to adaptations within biological systems, but it can be. Skin cancer is, from what I understand, caused by UV damaging skin cells, causing mutations in DNA.

In the Christian worldview, damage was done early on. There was a malignment of information. A corrupting mutation took place on the gift of flawless information imparted by God into the universe. Why God allowed such a mutation to occur which would exacerbate sin, toil, fear, and death–I cannot say I know fully. But it’s clear in the news around us that there are things that are “wrong.”

We mutated from imago dei to a zombie. Still, perhaps, reflective, but spiritually dead. Enemies of God. Usurpers of His throne. Backstabbers of our Maker. Rapists of His creation. Emotional and sensuous whoremongers and pleasure hoarders. Traitors. Sinners. Mutated humans hopelessly separated…

…from God, who is pure holiness. Wholly set apart. Uncreaturelike. All-powerful. Whose thoughts and ways are nothing like ours. How can we even imagine what His motives are? How can we pretend to know His reasons for allowing the freedom to corrupt His creation? Who are we to open our mouths to explain Him? Defend Him? As someone once said, “You don’t need to defend a lion. You set him loose.” Not that God needs to be set loose–he’s already wilder than we can possibly imagine.

A lion has roared! Who will not fear? The Lord GOD has spoken! Who can but prophesy?

-Amos 3:8

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